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Five ways to boost your offertory program

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At the Steier Group, one of the most common concerns we hear from churches considering a capital campaign is: “If we are asking people to contribute to an extraordinary fundraising effort, won’t we see a decrease in our weekly offertory, which we need to meet our basic needs and keep the lights on?” This concern is understandable, but there is good news: clients who partner with the Steier Group for a capital campaign typically see an increase in their offertory giving after the campaign concludes. Several factors contribute to this trend, primarily the heightened sense of community and spiritual engagement…
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Christmas Communications Toolkit

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We invite you to share this Christmas Guide with members of your parish, as a way to further engage your people and help everyone celebrate Christmas whether at home or in church. Here are a few suggestions to help you distribute this resource to your parishioners: Post the guide to your parish website; include a link to download. Promote it on social media; include a link to download (sample message below). Send it out through FlockNote or similar email platform (sample message below). Print hard copies and distribute at Masses or leave in the back of church. Develop daily social…
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Fourth Sunday of Advent Communications Toolkit

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We invite you to share these weekly Advent Guides with members of your parish, as a way to further engage your people and help everyone prepare for Christ’s coming on Christmas. Here are a few suggestions to help you distribute this resource to your parishioners: Post the guide to your parish website; include a link to download. Promote it on social media; include a link to download (sample message below). Send it out through FlockNote or similar email platform (sample message below). Print hard copies and distribute at Masses or leave in the back of church. Develop daily social media…
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Third Sunday of Advent Communications Toolkit

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We invite you to share these weekly Advent Guides with members of your parish, as a way to further engage your people and help everyone prepare for Christ’s coming on Christmas. Here are a few suggestions to help you distribute this resource to your parishioners: Post the guide to your parish website; include a link to download. Promote it on social media; include a link to download (sample message below). Send it out through FlockNote or similar email platform (sample message below). Print hard copies and distribute at Masses or leave in the back of church. Develop daily social media…
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Second Sunday of Advent Communications Toolkit

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We invite you to share these weekly Advent Guides with members of your parish, as a way to further engage your people and help everyone prepare for Christ’s coming on Christmas. Here are a few suggestions to help you distribute this resource to your parishioners: Post the guide to your parish website; include a link to download. Promote it on social media; include a link to download (sample message below). Send it out through FlockNote or similar email platform (sample message below). Print hard copies and distribute at Masses or leave in the back of church. Develop daily social media…
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First Sunday of Advent Communications Toolkit

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In order to support Catholic parishes and dioceses during this pandemic year, the Steier Group will be publishing a series of Advent and Christmas Guides for you to share with those you serve. These free weekly guides include ideas on how to celebrate each Sunday of Advent, as well as the day’s scripture readings and highlights from the liturgy. If you'd like to sign up to receive the guides, please do so here. We invite you to share these weekly Advent Guides with members of your parish, as a way to further engage your people and help everyone prepare for…
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Don’t be afraid to ask major donors for support – they want to help

By Uncategorized
Worried about asking donors for support?  Does the current climate make you hesitant to reach out to supporters for financial support, even though you know your organization needs it? Are you worried that your organization has fallen behind other nonprofits on your donors’ priority list? If these are questions you are having a difficult time answering, consider heeding the advice shared recently in a Steier Group forum. Experts from across the country joined in a video conference to discuss issues facing the fundraising industry. Foundation representatives, business owners and philanthropists agree you cannot allow worldly concerns to stop you from asking…
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Live forum: What are major donors thinking during the COVID-19 crisis?

By Uncategorized
Major donors are the lifeblood of many nonprofit organizations. Will the pandemic and its economic fallout change their focus or level of support? Is it appropriate to ask them for support right now? The Steier Group assembled a panel of major philanthropists and foundation leaders to answer your questions. Watch the discussion here: Ask. Be thoughtful in your request, but ask. This is not the time to stop asking for support, especially when your organization is serving those impacted by COVID-19. And it is not the time to stop asking when your organization is struggling to survive this crisis. This…
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Why run a capital campaign?

By Steier Tips, Uncategorized
Your board members are in agreement: It’s time for a capital campaign. For many nonprofit CEOs, the thought of launching a capital campaign is a daunting one. You know there will be months of hard work ahead. There are volunteers to recruit, donors to evaluate, a communications plan to implement and special events to host. The list goes on and on. With so many moving parts in a campaign, it can be easy to lose sight of the benefits to your organization. It begs the question, why run a capital campaign?  A recent study conducted by the Nonprofit Research Collaborative…
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