St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church


In 2016, St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church launched a visioning process to chart a path forward for the parish. At its core, the new vision for this thriving parish focused on discipleship with three main goals: stewardship, evangelization and parish operations. Through this process, the parish identified places for growth and improvement across its campus. With that in mind, St. Francis partnered with the Steier Group to launch a stewardship effort.


In partnership with the Steier Group, the Rebuild my Church campaign launched in 2021 to address these campus improvements. These improvements include:

  • Repair and replace roofs
  • Address remaining HVAC issues
  • Remodel remaining school restrooms
  • Replace windows and lights to be more energy efficient
  • Create a new center church entrance
  • Transform Bonaventure Center into new offices
  • Create new adult education center and gathering space


In 1968, Msgr. Thomas McGread brought a vision of stewardship to St. Francis. Stewardship as a way of life by giving of time, talent and treasure to bring Catholics closer to God served as the foundation of the Diocese of Wichita’s Stewardship Model. The St. Francis community lives the stewardship model to the fullest. By giving of time, talent and treasure, the community addressed all of the needs of the campaign and raised more than $5.9 million.

“As the parish where the Stewardship Way of Life was born, our unique history posed some challenges to conducting a capital campaign. However, our facilities, most of which were completed in the mid-1970s and had served us well, were in immediate need of revitalization. For a stewardship parish, a capital campaign is an extraordinary endeavor, and for the first and only endeavor of this kind at our parish, Steier Group was successful in adjusting to the stewardship mentality without compromising our ordinary stewardship in the process. ... We wholeheartedly recommend the Steier Group to any organization looking to run a successful campaign.”

Rev. C Jarrod Lies, Pastor, St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church

Campaign Stats

The Steier Group’s unique, hands-on campaign management model, combined with our expert grant writers, award-winning designers and creative fundraising strategies, allowed us to exceed goal.

Percentage of Goal

A Customized Approach

We founded our firm on the belief that the best capital campaign is one that is customized and executed by one team, under one roof. When you hire the Steier Group, you eliminate the need to contract with additional vendors for services like copywriting, graphic design, grant writing, video production, website development or wealth screening. We reject the one-size-fits-all approach to fundraising and embrace every opportunity to design a capital campaign plan that will maximize our client’s fundraising potential.

Customized Approach

Contact Steier Group today 

You have a vision for the growth and success of your church, school or organization. Now it’s time to gather the generous, wholehearted support you need to make it happen. Contact Steier Group today to discuss the benefits of a customized capital campaign.