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The Spirituality of the Sunday Offertory with Fr. Darrin Gurr

By July 27, 2022December 29th, 2022podcast, Steier Tips

The Steier Group is proud to present our new podcast, Twelve Wicker Baskets with Christopher Beaudet. Subscribe now on your favorite podcast app.

In the Gospel, Jesus fed 5,000 with only five loaves and two fish. After the crowd was satisfied, there were 12 wicker baskets left over. God provides the abundance. In each episode of this podcast, we will explore, with pastoral leaders and development professionals, all the many ways God meets the spiritual and temporal needs of our parish communities, our Catholic schools and the diocesan church. And not only meets those needs but provides in abundance.

The fifth episode of the podcast is The Spirituality of the Sunday Offertory.

The Sunday offertory may appear to be a disruptive intrusion into celebrating spiritual mysteries, but Father Darrin Gurr sees the collection as “a very sacred moment,” since it is “the very first act of the celebration of the Liturgy of the Eucharist … and it’s essential because ultimately it gives meaning to the celebration of the Eucharist. Until the gifts are gathered up and offered, the good things of the Eucharistic celebration can’t come to be.”

Far from just a collection, the offertory gathers up everything around the altar, including God’s people at the celebration of the Eucharist. How this is done liturgically, not just efficiently, can help or hinder the symbolism of the Christian faithful’s offering of themselves in the gift of their financial resources. Fr. Darrin notes that at the heart of the offertory is not just meeting the financial need of the Church, but first it is an expression of our inherent need to give and “to return to God generously and justly” a portion of what we have first received from him. This need is deep in our hearts and therefore no one is exempt from participating in the offertory as part of the gathered community at the Sunday Eucharist.

Fr. Darrin challenges us to develop a spirituality of money — the money we give as well as the money we keep—and to use all of our money in a God-given way, not just the money offered at Mass. Ultimately, when we are radically generous in a way that cuts into our lives, we then experience a deep transformation and a profound joy.

Guest: Fr. Darrin Gurr
Pastor, Saint Gianna Beretta Molla Church, Winnipeg, Manitoba

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Previous episode: Activated Discipleship with Jeff Cavins

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