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Capital campaign strategy best practices - Steier Group

Five capital campaign mistakes and how to avoid them

By Steier Tips

If you’re like many of the nonprofits with which we partner at the Steier Group, it’s been several years – or possibly even several decades – since your last capital campaign. You may be wondering how to start a campaign in the first place. And certainly, you’re hoping to avoid any capital campaign mistakes that could derail your effort. Even the most well-meaning nonprofit CEOs and development directors can make mistakes when it comes to capital campaigns. Many of these leaders conduct only a few campaigns over the course of their careers. Here are five of the most common capital campaign…

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Find your way with Stewardship GPS

By Steier Tips

It’s easy to think of a capital campaign in negative terms. It may seem like yet another request for money, a herculean effort to tax our already busy calendars, or — because it isn’t a regular part of our giving — simply an add-on expense. But these perspectives miss the mark when we consider a capital campaign as another expression of Christian stewardship. As King David exclaimed, “I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing” (2 Sam 24:24). Scripture is replete with the call to offer God that which is dear to us….

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Major donor engagement is key to fundraising success

By Steier Tips

How well do you know your major donors? Your answer to that question is key to your organization’s chance for fundraising success, especially during a capital campaign. After 21 years of service and more than $2 billion raised for our clients, the Steier Group has learned that there are three critical success factors of a capital campaign: strong leadership at the CEO level, a compelling project vision and a dedicated volunteer force. Even when these factors are met, however, capital campaign success is not guaranteed. Our campaign managers often encounter nonprofits who have misidentified the engagement level of their major…

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Timing is key during transition from a planning study into a capital campaign

By Steier Tips

Great news! Your organization’s recently-completed planning study found strong support for a capital campaign. Your donors are fired up and ready to support such a transformational fundraising effort. You have interested volunteers and leaders excited to step up. What’s your next step? At the Steier Group, we advise our clients to start the capital campaign immediately – preferably in less than two weeks. We have found that delaying the start of a capital campaign after a successful planning study can hinder the success of the effort. In 194 church capital campaigns over the last 10 years, we found that clients…

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Positive attitude can go a long way in fundraising

By Steier Tips

Raising money is not an easy task, especially when you have to raise a lot of it. Conducting a capital campaign successfully requires careful planning, lots of consultation, widespread buy-in, strong leadership, a clear vision, a transparent communication plan, and a reliable and energetic corps of volunteers. But the best strategy and mechanics for executing an effort of this magnitude won’t get you very far without an indispensable disposition to support it all: a positive attitude. “Believe you can and you’re halfway there,” Teddy Roosevelt once quipped. Put another way, believe you can’t and you’ll never make it. Capital campaigns…

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Steier Group research highlighted by Association of Fundraising Professionals

By Steier Tips

During the Steier Group’s 21-year history, one thing has always stood out as we have raised money for nonprofits across the country: People give more when asked in person. That personal touch is key to fundraising success. In October 2017, we published our findings of a two-year research project that explored this. Our findings more than backed this up. The Steier Group research found that donors, when asked in person, give 54 percent of their requested amount. In comparison, donors gave 29 percent of the requested amount when approached by telephone and 33 percent when approached by mail. Now, this…

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Capital campaign donor recognition opportunities

By Steier Tips

So, your campaign is a big hit. Your leaders and volunteers continue their hard work in securing gifts, donors are fulfilling commitments and an end-of-the campaign celebration is in the works. Now you can start planning that ribbon-cutting ceremony, right? Well, to quote former college football coach Lee Corso, “Not so fast my friend.” Before you can even begin to smile over your success, you must take time to recognize those responsible for putting you in this enviable position. One cannot understate the importance of capital campaign donor recognition. Simply put: people like to hear the words thank you. And…

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How to start a capital campaign

By Steier Tips

For most nonprofits, a capital campaign is the result of many months, if not years, of strategic planning and preparation. Typically, an organization has established some long-term goals and projects that are too large to be funded through normal operating revenue. Now, what are the next steps? How do I start a capital campaign? Here are the five key steps in transitioning from strategic planning to conducting a campaign: Identify your organization’s needs: Before moving forward with a capital campaign, you should be able to answer “yes” to this question: Is the need – as defined by leadership – real?…

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Capital campaign video can lead to fundraising success

By Steier Tips

What if I told you that fundraisers with video raise 70 percent more? That’s a big number – one that demands our attention. A capital campaign video is a strong way to convey a clear message and evoke passion about one’s cause. Most of our clients have found that the investment made in a professionally produced video is worth it. YouCaring, which assists organizations with online fundraising, states that fundraisers with videos raise 70 percent more on average. A professional video is among the capital campaign services offered by the Steier Group. The growing popularity of this service is due…

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Eight capital campaign strategies that work

By Steier Tips

Every capital campaign is different. The organization’s mission and vision, the campaign goals, the donor base, the availability of willing volunteers – all of these factors contribute to making each project unique. However, there are techniques that apply to almost all organizations. Here are eight capital campaign strategies that work: Campaign planning studies: Even before a decision is made about whether to conduct a campaign, a thorough campaign planning study will set you on the path for future success. A study will test support for the proposed projects, help you establish realistic goals and identify potential donors and volunteers. Beyond…

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