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Feasibility Study

Why do capital campaigns fail?

By Steier Tips
Everyone likes to be part of a winning team. Be it sports or politics, we all want to support a winner. That attitude is alive in the fundraising world, too, as people like to know their investment is paying dividends. The payoff is delivered by seeing their nonprofit of choice continuing its mission. But, just as our favorite sports team doesn’t always win the big game, sometimes capital campaigns fail. It’s an unpleasant reality that CEOs, board members and donors occasionally must face. It can be avoided with proper planning. Why does an organization sometimes fall short of its campaign…
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Are you ready for a diocesan capital campaign?

By Steier Wire
Diocesan capital campaigns are a big undertaking. They require time, energy and often years of planning. They require strong leadership, capable volunteers, competent staff and lots of coffee. Here are five questions to gauge if your diocese is ready to take the next step towards a diocesan-wide effort: Are these really needs? Do we have a pool of capable volunteers and possible donors? YES: Proceed to the next question. UNSURE: A campaign planning study will unlock that knowledge. Proceed to the next question. NO TO BOTH: You are not ready for a diocesan campaign. Can we present a compelling case?…
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Why should our organization conduct a planning study?

By Steier Tips
There has been a lot of discussion recently, on blogs and in trade journals, as to the value of a planning study for an organization that is about to embark on a capital campaign. A friend and former client asked for my thoughts on the matter, “Do you think planning studies are still necessary?” My answer was an unequivocal “yes.” A professional planning study is critical to the success of a capital campaign. WHAT DOES A CAMPAIGN PLANNING STUDY PROVIDE? A good planning study involves questioning, measuring, testing and, above all, listening to what your donors are saying about your…
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Two questions to ask yourself before you start a capital campaign

By Steier Tips
As the calendar turns from year to year, you may be tempted to closely examine your master plan with the desire to take the next step toward fulfilling that strategic blueprint. Such intentions, designed to ensure or enhance the integrity of an organization’s mission, invariably lead to a discussion of a capital campaign and the best time for leadership to accept a major undertaking. Before moving forward and accepting the challenge, all nonprofits need to answer two capital campaign questions. First, study the validity of the project. Whether considering the construction of a new building, the expansion of the current…
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Is this the right time for a capital campaign?

By Steier Tips
It’s often the first question I am asked when I sit down with a potential client, “Jim, are we ready for a campaign?” The question, in theory, should be a straight forward “yes” or “no.” But as anyone who works in development knows, there are far more factors to be considered before you can make an educated answer. As you begin to consider the possibility of a capital campaign, do a quick inventory and ask yourself a few questions, but make sure you give honest answers. It’s a simple and quick exercise that will benefit you in the long run.…
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